L and R(念星)(14)








“Merry Christmas! my girl.My love for you ,flying from Korea to Australia, across the mountains of America, then across the vast Atlantic Ocean, and around to China.Hope you are always happy”(圣诞快乐,女孩。我对你的爱从韩国飞到澳大利亚,穿过美洲的层层山脉,广阔的大西洋,绕过一圈来到中国。希望你永远开心),她真是个浪漫的小天使。“ , !”(你是我在中国认识的第一个朋友,爱你哦!)。我的脸上洋溢着笑意,这张卡片不自觉的把我拉向了六年级的那个冬天,没什么雪花,但有她,给了我力量去改变,去做自己。

还有一张信!我还记得我很恨自己没有早点发现那封信。“, ! . . . . . ”(王思,你好!我是罗念星。我从来没想过短短几天就遇到这么好的朋友,我们就像姐妹一样!你是我重要的存在,即使我回到了澳大利亚,去了韩国也依然会想起你。不要忘了我,我爱你。)

“I want to share a story with you: Once upon a time, a little girl followed her family from Korea to Australia, but eventually they immigrated to Australia.She loves music and passed an interview with I.M Entertainment to become an trainee. As long as she can endure hardship, she can start her career as an idol singer, like a K-pop star on TV.The price is that she will be away from her family for at least three years, perhaps longer.When she was a child in South Korea, ostracized by her clas□□ates because she was half-Korean. Some boys laughed at her for being half-Korean, and the girl also isolated her because of her existence.She was afraid to tell her mother because she was afraid she would be sad, but whenever the boy pointed at her and said she was Chinese, she would rebel, 。"I am Korean!Please don。't say that about me!。"After that, I was afraid of China. She thought Chinese people were not so friendly except for her mother.Until Ishecame to China, grandpa, nanny aunt, many, many Chinese people are very nice.Luckily, she met a Chinese angel girl, who had beautiful eyes and a free soul.Although they come from different countries and have different cultural backgrounds, they talk about everything and get along like family.Eager to make friends, she cherished the Chinese girl and gradually fell in love with her. SThey were both born the same year. She knew that such feelings were different from friends.She has good friends in Korea and Australia, but for this Chinese girl, she knows she has a different feeling and she wants to be with a Chinese girl forever.She was precocious, but she didn。't have a boyfriend at school.The Chinese girl has many ideas that she agrees with. She is very clever and lovely, humorous and polite, and considerate of the Korean girl。's shortcoming in Chinese.Her beautiful eyes and interesting soul attract the Korean girl and make the Korean girl fall in love with her.When we slept together at night, the Korean girl could not help but turn on the light and quietly looked at the Chinese girl.With long eyelashes and a quiet sleeping face, she could not help kissing the Chinese girl. She knew that the Chinese girl found it and nervously turned off the light and went to sleep.She woke up very early and wrote this letter to the Chinese girl.The next day she would leave for Australia, then say goodbye to everyone and go to Korea alone to pursue her dreams.She couldn。't bear to see the Chinese girl. She fell in love with her.”

上一篇:朝月.又夕 下一篇:逆向生长[gl]
